
20 Sep, 2019
I don't know about you, but if I don't get a good night's sleep, I am not a happy camper. Ever since I was a little, I've struggled with sleeping well, specifically with falling asleep. I can't shut my mind off, I can't relax, and I can't just be without thinking about tomorrow's to-do's. The older I've gotten and the more hectic my schedule gets, the more important getting quality sleep has become for me to be able to function, to my best work, and be pleasant to be around.The last few months
03 Sep, 2019
There's no bad time for coffee, but fall is an especially wonderful time for all the basics like me who would do some pretty questionable things for a PSL. Starbucks signature Pumpkin Spice Latte came back a few days ago, and as much as I love it, I do not love putting all that sugar and all those empty calories into my body. A grande PSL has a whopping 380 calories, 14g of fat, and 50g of sugar - yikes! Treating yourself once in awhile isn't going to wreck your healthy lifestyle, because we
11 May, 2019
A few months ago, some of the holistic beauty bloggers I follow started posting about ice rolling so I decided to do a little of my own research and ultimately try it out for myself. If you watch my stories on Instagram, you know I’ve been obsessed with ice rolling for all kinds of things.The way it works is by stimulating your lymphatic system and getting blood moving in your face, while also cooling your skin and muscles to reduce inflammation. This improved circulation can have so many
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